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Hi everyone! March is here, and that means it’s time for Markup Madness! This month, we’re putting the spotlight on markups. Whether it’s a creative use of shapes, colors, callouts, stamps, or images, we want to see how you bring clarity, efficiency, and maybe a little fun, to your documents. And since it’s March Madness…
I just encountered this as I don't do this often. We had a series of documents (forms) that were set up with a typo (PP10843 vs PP10834) and this became a copy past error for all subsequent forms. This existed as a markup for all forms. So remembering we can search for markups I did that. I then used the 'Select all' and…
I'm running into a problem where I am trying to review a construction schedule, and the creator hasn't made any efforts to improve legibility. It's very difficult to review Gantt chart bars at the right half of the page and be zoomed in far enough to read the item and dates on the left side. I realized it would be very…
A lot of you may know me as the "labs guy" here on community, but I have been working on something new and different and it's launching next week: A new Bluebeam YouTube Series called Future Built! We're excited to use this format to discuss topics like being a working mom, mental health, and breaking into the AEC…
When I create a text box, the text shows up but as soon as I click away the text disappears. If I click the text box again the text shows. Text box shows text: Click away and it disappears: I have tried reimporting/deleting the font but it does not resolve this issue.
As the number of BB sessions increases, navigating through them efficiently becomes crucial. Introducing a search bar at the top of the interface would provide users with a seamless way to locate specific sessions, reducing scrolling time and improving overall usability. Key Features of the Search Bar: Instant Search…
PDF exports from EPLAN support "three-way jumps" for following internal hyperlinks, as described in the EPLAN docs and you can see for yourself when using SharePoint with the attached sample (go to page 236 and hover over three sections of AL1). Left jump leads to previous reference, center jump leads to parent reference,…
Bei der Nutzung der digitalen Signatur in Revu kann ich die Länderspezifikation auswählen. Doch leider wird das Datum nicht in dem typischen Format für Deutschland TT.MM.JJJJ angezeigt. Bitte erweitern Sie die Funktionalität in Revu, damit sich unsere geprüften Unterlagen nicht weiterhin negativ hervorheben. Vielen Dank im…
Bei der Bemaßungslinie fehlt die weitergeführte Maßlinie (über die Maßhilfslinie hinaus). Eine Änderung des Markups "Abmessung" wäre schön bzw. eine Erweiterung der Möglichkeiten beim Linien-Anfang und Linien-Ende. Hilfreich wäre auch eine Möglichkeit, den Linien-Anfang und -Ende selbst gestalten zu können. Eine…
Für die Lage einer Schnittebene (nach ISO-Norm) habe ich eine neue Linien-Art erstellt. Nun fehlt mir noch die Möglichkeit, den Linien-Anfang und -Ende selbst zu gestalten, damit ich einen Pfeil für die Blickrichtung zum Schnittverlauf platzieren kann. (siehe Anhang) Eine Programm-Erweiterung in Revu würde ich sehr…
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