🗓️ March 2025 Challenge - Markup Madness!
Hi everyone! March is here, and that means it’s time for Markup Madness! This month, we’re putting the spotlight on markups. Whether it’s a creative use of shapes, colors, callouts, stamps, or images, we want to see how you bring clarity, efficiency, and maybe a little fun, to your documents. And since it’s March Madness…
Shortcut to Colorize Snapshots
Is there a shortcut to colorize snapshots? I use the snapshot tool quite a bit to take a snip of something and then overlay on another drawing. After pasting that snapshot, I will typically right-click and chose "Change Color" and select colorize and have it changed to red so I can distinguish from the snapshot and the…
Support for the apostrophe to be used as a designation of using feet measurments.
In my profession (Land Surveying) we commonly use the ' character to denote the usage of feet in annotating distances. For example: 22.36'. This option is not available in Revu. I am very surprised that this is not supported because it is a very commonly used in many types of work. Thank you for this awesome application.…
Feature Highlight: Adding Actions to markups
This week, we're highlighting how to add Actions to markups in Bluebeam Revu! PDF markups can be configured to perform certain actions when clicked, like jumping to a specific location in a document or opening another file when you add an Action. In addition, Tool Chest tools can be configured to create markups with…
Linien-Anfang ändern - Abmessung
Bei der Bemaßungslinie fehlt die weitergeführte Maßlinie (über die Maßhilfslinie hinaus). Eine Änderung des Markups "Abmessung" wäre schön bzw. eine Erweiterung der Möglichkeiten beim Linien-Anfang und Linien-Ende. Hilfreich wäre auch eine Möglichkeit, den Linien-Anfang und -Ende selbst gestalten zu können. Eine…
Schnittverlauf - Linien-Anfang selber gestalten
Für die Lage einer Schnittebene (nach ISO-Norm) habe ich eine neue Linien-Art erstellt. Nun fehlt mir noch die Möglichkeit, den Linien-Anfang und -Ende selbst zu gestalten, damit ich einen Pfeil für die Blickrichtung zum Schnittverlauf platzieren kann. (siehe Anhang) Eine Programm-Erweiterung in Revu würde ich sehr…
Is there a way to delete or clear all markups on a multi-page document?
Is there a way to delete or clear all markups on a multi-page document without individually deleting them by page? I have a 200+ page document with over 9,000 mark-ups and I want to delete all of the mark-ups within the entire document at one time. I am looking for a mass clear or delete option as going through and…
Editable Table
I'd like to create/insert a table into Bluebeam Revu that I can edit like any other markup.
Feature Highlight: Hiding Markups
This week, we're highlighting how to hide markups in Bluebeam Revu temporarily! Temporarily hide markups in Bluebeam Revu to quickly surface and interact with markups whose visibility is obscured by overlapping markups. Here's how to: Hide Markups: Right-click the markup(s) you want to hide on the document or from the…
Option To Remove Pop-up Comment Boxes
In the latest update, the comment boxes seem to pop-up much more often which does not help our workflow. We create toolsets made up of groups of shapes and text boxes. When I try to double-click to edit the text, the pop-up box shows up. In order to edit the text, I now have to ungroup to edit the text. Is there a way to…
Rotate Markup - Before Placement
I’d love the ability to rotate a markup before placing it, allowing it to align properly with the item being added. For example, when placing duplex receptacles on a wall, it would be great to press the space bar to rotate them in 90-degree increments for quick alignment (as in Revit). I mention 90-degree increments…
Importing and Exporting Profiles
I have a profile that I have exported. When I try to import it to another computer, the file loads, but not the profiles. I've tried deleting the other profiles (although they keep appearing again even though they have been deleted). And just importing this profile. The profile works on my computer but when I try to upload…
Cannot edit Vector PDF at all
Hi Bluebeam newbie, just installed the latest complete version today. All I want to do is to highlight a line drawing of a door and change its colour to red. Then choose a wall and fill the gap between 2 lines in red. Also it might be nice to edit text. = I've tried the select tool and it does nothing. Nothing is selected.…
Split polyline markups
I would like the ability to split a single existing markup polyline into multiple polylines at a control point. The 'sketch-to-scale-polyline' ALMOST has the functionality I'm looking for, but I'm not trying to split out an individual segment of the polyline. Instead, I'd like the ability to break a long polyline into two…
📢 What’s New: Revu 21.4
Markup Selection Cycle Tired of struggling with overlapping markups in Bluebeam Revu? Say hello to the Markup Selection Cycle! Now, when markups overlap, simply hover near them, hold Shift, and voilà—you’ll see a list of all nearby markups. Use your cursor or tap the Spacebar to cycle through and select the one you need.…
Ipad: Bluebeam Cloud | Markups not working
Created a "Studio Session" and marked up PDF on my PC. When opening the same PDF on the Ipad (Bluebeam Cloud): 1) these markups are not showing on PDF as when viewed/created on PC. 2) Markup tools are visible but don't work at all, tried all of them