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Include in the ability to hide markups a way to hide an select individual(s) and still be able to add markups. Currently it's hide all or hide none, without the ability to hide an individuals comments we have to turn everyones off to review the document then back on to add a new one.
Currently, when Exporting Excel Markup Summary, Replies come in on a different line (see below image in red, first table). This makes tracking and sorting these markups quite cumbersome. Would love there to be an option to have replies come in on a different column. (see below, second table). Replies to replies would…
I don't see that there is an option to disable the automatic dimming of markups when filtering the Markups List. This creates challenges in workflows where supporting sketches are drawn to provide visual context for comments but are not meant to appear as actionable items in the Markups List. Currently, when filtering the…
I would like to be able to use ISO standard SS-ISO 12006-2:2015 to sort my markups. It follows a system with chapters and headers that wont work with alphabetical and numerical sorting. An example: ABC.123 should be above ABC.21 but since 21 is a smaller number than 123 numerical sorting puts ABC.21 above ABC.123.
Is anyone aware of a setting that will allow me to navigate between cells in the markups list with the directional arrows, tab key, or enter/return button on the keyboard similar to inputting data in excel? We sometimes use the Markups list to collect additional data from drawings and it can be slightly laborious when…
When i try to edit the text by double clicking into the "Notes" column i created, an autofill box appears and i can't edit text. This is frustrating. Does anyone have an idea of how to fix this?
Hey guys! Got a coworker who's having issues being able to input text into a text based custom column. When he goes through the properties panel it lets him edit the property to his heart's content. The problem is that in his workflow he usually makes those changes through the markups list instead but it suddenly stopped…
I have a profile that I have exported. When I try to import it to another computer, the file loads, but not the profiles. I've tried deleting the other profiles (although they keep appearing again even though they have been deleted). And just importing this profile. The profile works on my computer but when I try to upload…
I typed Thai in the markup list and found that the Thai font is very small. Can Bluebeam allow users to edit the font or font size used within the default UI elements? Or is it possible to make the Thai font in markup list bigger?
What's up, ya'll? This is a two part problem, probably related to each other. I'm on Revu x64 Complete and I updated to 21.4. I'm now having a consistent issue when I have more than one instance open where I am unable to edit my markups in the markups list. This has also happened once with only one instance open. You'll…
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