Hi Bluebeamers!
Having trouble deciding what to discuss in the Talk Bluebeam forum? Anything related to Bluebeam!
Below is an example of the types of discussions welcomed. A Bluebeamer might ask:
Q: Can a stamp tool be created that automatically adds the date it was applied?
And a response they might receive from other Bluebeamers or Staff could look like:
A: “Great question! Stamps can include dynamic text, which allows for specific information to be automatically added to the Stamp when it is applied to the PDF. This includes author, file name, and date among many other things! While in the Stamp editor and creating a Text box, you will see a small Dynamic drop down in the lower left-hand corner of the Text box. You can select from several standard dynamic text fields, including date. Another way is to just type [&Date] in the Text box; the Stamp will recognize this as dynamic. For more detailed instructions please visit our Working with Stamps support article.
Matt Beaumont, Customer Success Manager"
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