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Hello, Does Bluebeam have any intentions of pursuing a Fedramp government offering? Does Bluebeam have solid documentation on how to disable cloud functionality? This article referenced these support threads: How to disable access to Bluebeam services | Bluebeam Technical Support We've got a customer who wants to use…
My company is heavily invested in the Microsoft Surface ecosystem, including the Surface Hub. One of these hubs pushes $30k, so these are serious investments. We do not want to have individual users log into BB on the hub creating a bunch of data bloat. The browser version of BB seems like a great solution, however I just…
I'm a contractor the federal government and we really struggle to fully leverage Bluebeam because we are not able to upload controlled, or classified information to Bluebeam Studio due to security risks. I recall maybe 10yrs ago or so that Bluebeam allowed the use of a local server instead of hosting docs on Amazon Web…
Hello, Just wanted to mention that if there's a way that Bluebeam could be used within the Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) opposed to the .pdf related tools that Autodesk provides within ACC, I believe a lot of people would prefer to use your tools instead. This would require integrating Bluebeam into ACC's cloud…
Mac user here that can no longer access Studio from the client (1.93). I've been using Bluebeam Web a bit, and am wondering if there is a way to import custom stamps into a web session?
We were looking for a punch list tool for our projects. Cloud used to have Project Management process for submittals, RFI's and Punch Lists (if I remember correctly). I know those features went away. Now that Studio Projects show up in Cloud could the Punch List tool in Cloud be brought back and have it be able to link to…
Created a "Studio Session" and marked up PDF on my PC. When opening the same PDF on the Ipad (Bluebeam Cloud): 1) these markups are not showing on PDF as when viewed/created on PC. 2) Markup tools are visible but don't work at all, tried all of them
We have users who use studio, and understand that this means that certain data will always live/be present in Bluebeam's Cloud. However we be interested in being able to turn off some of the core file storage functions of Bluebeam Cloud. For example, the "My Workspaces" section, where you can upload/store/work on files.…
How can I edit markup properties in Bluebeam Cloud? Using Chrome browser. The documentation states: "When you select a markup in a drawing, the Markup Editor appears and allows you to customize the appearance of the selected markup. The options available will be different depending on the type of markup selected."…
It would be nice to be able to download in bulk a folder or series of drawing so the user can have a speedier experience than having to wait for the drawing to load. Just like Bluebeam iPad you should be able to see the status of the drawing and whehter or not it has been pre-downloaded. It just helps to set the…
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