How do I keep Bluebeam Studio from logging me out of my Studio Sessions multiple times a day?
Studio Sessions - Connection & Credential Issues throughout the day
I represent 32 total users using Revu on Desktop for our architectural workflows (drawings, collaboration, markups, redlines, etc).
Although tech support has told me it is a pretty common setup, we are using Revu in an…
"unsupported environment"
…running it on our Mac devices through Parallels. All of my users that collaborate on files through Studio Sessions have been reporting that between 3-10 times a day, they will get logged out, and shown the following errors:
Besides the hassle of having to log out and then back in (multiple times a day), the entire session is closed, forcing the user to have to find and reopen it. Any split windows and views that the user had setup to work efficiently have be remade.
Other Info:
- The most common condition in which this occurs is that a user's device goes to sleep, and when it is woken up, they have to log out, then back in, to continue working in the session.
- This happens on both Wi-Fi connections and hardwired with an ethernet cable.
- Some of our users work remote: it happens on their network as well.
- Some affected users have Intel chips, other have Apple Silicone.
For the amount of users we account for, this really is a debilitating issue. Is anyone else facing this?
My drawings just go blank after awhile! I don't get any notice or anything. I have to log out and then back in and everything is ok. My internet connection is the best Xfinity has to offer; I could get ATT fiber; does anyone think that would help or is the whole problem Bluebeam?
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Hi @bWhite,
Many thanks for your message. The advice Tech support gave you is correct. Although some of our users run Revu on Parallels, this is not a supported environment so there might not be much we can do to help here. The only virtual environment we currently support is Citrix! If you still want our team to investigate this further, can you please raise a Support ticket? Someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Many thanks,
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Hi @Bob Caine This is definitely something the Technical support can have a look at and advise further. Can you please reach out to us using the Contact form? Someone will get back to you ASAP.
Kind regards,
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