Ability to Remove Automatic Comment w/ Highlight

Sarah Posts: 7
edited June 2024 in Peer Support

I'd love to be able to turn off the automatic creation of a comment that contains the text I highlighted, so that just the highlight is located in the markups list with no comments. I usually highlight something and then want to make a comment ABOUT the highlighted text, so I edit the comment. Sometimes, I just want to highlight it with no comments, but others sometimes confuse Bluebeam's auto-text for my commentary and are then confused as to why I am just repeating the text in the comment.

Best Answer

  • Jared Adler - Bluebeam CSM
    Answer ✓

    This is already possible, there is a setting in Revu's Preference that controls this.

    Go to Revu > Preferences (Ctrl+K), Select Tools on the Left and Markup on the right. Un-check the box towards the bottom "Copy Highlighted Text into Markup Comment".

    If you use this feature at times you could also keep the Preference setting enabled and hold Ctrl to bypass text highlighting and apply a free-hand highlight. You can also hold Shift down to keep your line straight/horizontal.


  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 426

    Interesting issue. I've never just highlighted text without adding comment so it never occurred to me that you would want no comment but as I think about it, sometimes our QA/QC reviewer will highlight things they need to reference often so it's easier to find. However, they typically use a different color for those situations.

    Maybe you can do the same until this feature gets added. It does make it easy to filter this kind of highlights or at least inform the user that green highlights "requires no action" while red ones need to be resolved. (your colors may vary)

  • Marco M
    Marco M Posts: 184

    This discussion has been moved from Product Ideas to the Talk Bluebeam topic to gain more visibility.

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 7

    Thanks for the help! Felt like it had to be somewhere…