I Group markups to select many elements with one click, the convenient rotation handle, the reduction of chances I'll click within a cluster of grip handles that could change size / scale, and the unified rotation that preserves the individual markups' relation to one another.
When markups are Grouped, their existing layers are overwritten to all be on one layer.
Functionality that would improve my workflow, would be to keep the individual layers. This would allow for visibility control of select parts of Groups.
For example, a solid rectangle representing equipment, a surrounding boundary graphically showing its clearance zones and short text describing its weight, all Grouped, could be manipulated freely and then when it is placed, the layers of clearance and text could be hidden.
I have attached a screenshot of a different example regarding wall mounted visual notification strobe. It contains information that allows it to be read in any direction at a glance. However when placed on a plan view it becomes chaotic.
Also please allow layers in Studio Sessions.
Lastly, when I have a markup, grouped or individual, my workflow would improve from being able to lock its size but to still allow it to be moved and rotated. In the attached screenshot I have added a Properties Panel that has the master lock (current functionality) and individual locks for different aspects of the markup (added functionality).
Thanks for reading!