Option To Remove Pop-up Comment Boxes
In the latest update, the comment boxes seem to pop-up much more often which does not help our workflow. We create toolsets made up of groups of shapes and text boxes. When I try to double-click to edit the text, the pop-up box shows up. In order to edit the text, I now have to ungroup to edit the text. Is there a way to…
Restrict Cursor to Specified Angles
When annotating a drawing, holding shift restricts the cursor to only 90° and 45° angles. It would be beneficial to add an option that allows the user to select other standard angle intervals, e.g. 5°, 15°, 22.5°, and 30°. For example, if I am marking up an isometric drawing, I could navigate to Preferences > Tools >…
"Detached View" Sync for MultiView
In some of our users' workflows, it would be useful for some documents to be able to have an additional option for MultiView synchronization to essentially allow the views to be independent/free to move within a page, but synchronize moving between pages. Currently, both Document and Page sync will keep either the exact…
Please allow one-click download all files in a Studio Session
Hi. It would be very helpful to have a Bluebeam Revu (we use 20 at my company) functionality to be able to download all of the files within a Studio Session with one or two clicks as opposed to having to download all files individually. This would save time, especially for Sessions with a large number of files (100+ is…
Scale and Rotate by Reference
When I bring in a screenshot, it is not to scale, and I need to rotate it and resize to try match the pdf content. For example, sometimes I want to take an aerial screenshot and overlay it over my pdf plans. To make sure it aligns I need to scale it correctly, and rotate it correctly. It would be very handy if I could…
Grouping Markups While Preserving Layers + Locking Size but not Rotation & Position
I Group markups to select many elements with one click, the convenient rotation handle, the reduction of chances I'll click within a cluster of grip handles that could change size / scale, and the unified rotation that preserves the individual markups' relation to one another. When markups are Grouped, their existing…
Bluebeam Integration with Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC)
Hello, Just wanted to mention that if there's a way that Bluebeam could be used within the Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) opposed to the .pdf related tools that Autodesk provides within ACC, I believe a lot of people would prefer to use your tools instead. This would require integrating Bluebeam into ACC's cloud…
SSO SAML Support?
Hello, We have 180+ Bluebeam Revu licenses and would like to utilize Single Sign On to manage the user list. Not only will this help our users easily sign into Revu, it will also increase security as our users won't need to create a remember yet another username/password combination. Our issue here is: We are unable to use…
Is it possible to Quantity Link Multiple Excel Cells at once?
Good day, I'm fairly new to BlueBeam 21 so I'm not sure if this has been asked/answered before, but I've searched and for the life of me I can't find a way to do it haha Problem: I'm trying to link a lot (100+) cells to show data from pdf. They should all have the same "Total" and "Subject" from the tool chest tools but…
Allow Revu's In-App Browser to Detect and Read Certificates from Physical PIV Cards
The Department of Transportation is moving toward using OKTA SSO MFA authentication to allow users to access Bluebeam Revu, however Revu's in-app browser lacks functionality to detect certificates off of physical cards. Activclient by HID global is used in our environment to read and catalogue certificates from physical…
Quick Combine in File Explorer
There should be a default option for when you right click in the file explorer, there is a quick combine files for all the files selected in File Explorer. I know there is already Combine Files with Revu, but you have to go through the stapler to combine the files. This would combine the pdfs and place it in the active…
Dynamic stamps with metadata
I work with multiple big sets of drawings which I subdivide into different scopes. I draw each scope on a layer named after the scope and then print copies of each sub-scope for field utilization. On each sub-scope copy, I must label which scope it is. This would be done very easily if I was able to create a stamp that…
Layer inheritance for markups
I work with layers a lot, and have a set of tools for this purpose. Most of them have been assigned a layer before entering, and some have no layer assigned, so they appear on the markup layer. However, this does not seem to work that well. First of all, I am "unable" to remove the layer information from a tool in the tool…
Allow Changes to Permissions Per Document
Permissions are currently set per session (or group/person in the session). I recommend the capability of allowing permission changes to individual documents to deviate from the session permissions. E.g. I have an old document with markups I want to keep loaded on the session for reference, but do not want others to edit…
Arrow Head Style Editor
Consider adding an arrow head style editor similar to the line style editor and hatch editor. I would like to create custom arrow heads to differentiate between different framing types on markups for coordination.