"Go To Page" Shortcut
Is there a way to initiate a dialogue box to navigate pages? The reason I ask is using Adobe I have a macro assigned to ctrl+shift+n (dialogue box seen below) which opens a "Go To Page" window in Adobe. From there I can simply input the numbers on my num pad and off I go, no mouse movement needed.
I have considered making a macro that moves my mouse then click in to the nav bar in Bluebeam to do functionally the same thing, but the razer software I use for that is a little janky with multiple monitor setups and would also require I always have Revu on the same monitor.
Having a shortcut to type in a page number is a handy function for the kind of documents I browse at work. There's a lot of page hopping and not needing to double click into windows, and hit backspace is a convenient time save.
Ideally I'm looking for a keyboard shortcut/keybind for this function when I am in Revu, however I am open to any ideas for a work around in Revu that would offer a similar functionality.
Best Answer
We do have a similar dialog in Revu, it can be found by searching "Go To Page" under Help → Search Tool / Command. Unfortunately, at this time it can't be assigned a keyboard shortcut. We would need to fix it in a future release.
Update: This will be resolved in Revu 21.4 which will be available in the EOY timeframe
@Alex Scholtes There is a shortcut to go to the next page (ctrl + Right) and the previous page (ctrl + Left), but there is not one to go to a specific page. I can have this moved to a product suggestion. Do you have any additional details about how this would enhance your workflow that you would be willing to share with the product team?
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Thank you both!
I'm glad to see you have it on the docket for Revu 21.4!
I'll still give a bit more detail on how this shortcut would enhance my work flow.
My company handles Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams, documents ranging from 100-200 pages, each labeled PID-XXXX. They all have lines on them that go to other pages, detailing what page in a connector box. When navigating in Adobe, say I am on "PID-1734" and I need to follow a line to "PID-1403".
This would normally be accomplished by moving my mouse to the page navigation bar, clicking into the number of page I am currently on, removing that number ("1734" in this case) and then entering that specific page number.
(In the screenshot below, I would hit backspace or delete after highlighting the current page number, enter the destination and hit enter.)
Using the "Go To Page" shortcut mentioned above, I have an assignment on my keypad that opens "Go To Page", removes the current page number automatically by inputting tab, end, shift+left arrow and a few other inputs. From there all I need to do is type in the number "1403".
The screenshot below is what I see after inputting one keystroke using the "Go To Page" shortcut and a special assignment on my keypad.
Having a shortcut for "Go To Page" enables me to press a single key, type any number, hit enter and navigate to that page. That replaces the traditional way of double clicking in, selecting the current page number, hitting delete to remove the old number, then typing the destination.
It's not a massive time save per search, but across 34+ documents all with 100-200+ pages it adds up with how frequently we jump from page to page. I can also do this without moving my hands from where they rest on my keyboard, so ergonomically there is less movement involved too.
Thank you both for the timely replies and pushing my question into a product suggestion!
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