Community Challenges - Share Together!
Marco M
Posts: 175
⭐️ Introducing Monthly Community Challenges!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Monthly Community Challenges, starting August 2024! Here’s everything you need to know:
📆 Schedule
- Kickoff: Challenges will be posted on the first of every month.
- Location: Find them in the Community Activities & Events category.
🔎 Challenge Details
- Descriptions: Each challenge will be outlined in a separate post.
- Types: Expect a mix of intriguing questions and engaging tasks.
💡 Purpose
- Engage: Bring our community together and spark lively discussions.
- Share: Create opportunities to share knowledge and learn from each other.
- Showcase: Highlight the incredible expertise within our community.
🏅 Rewards
- Badges: Earn a special badge for your profile.
- Points: Gain points to help you rank up and stand out.
We can’t wait to see your participation and enthusiasm! Get ready to dive in, connect with fellow members, and showcase your skills!
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