Revu - Creating a custom/dynamic markup group.
I am trying to create a markup group/symbol similar to the cloud with attached text box (as found in the default Architect, Contractor, and Engineer tool chests).
This markup would have a rectangular box (instead of the cloud) with a line that attaches to a flag with a text label (instead of a text box). But I do NOT want the text of the flag to be tied to Comment field of the markup group. I need to be able to type a custom comment that is attached to the markup (so that it will be recorded when exporting a markup summary), but that is NOT a visible part of the markup itself (trying to avoid cluttering a PDF with too much text).
Below is a rough draft of what I am trying to make. Ignore the text box portions that are underneath the flag. What I am trying to make would just be the flag.
Any advice/insight on how to do this would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
Hello, @evan.widjaja My first suggestion would be to create a toolset for your flag names with the polygon tool and a text box on top. Take a snapshot of the tool and add that to your toolset. Then when you double click on the flag it will bring up a comment box that you can type in but hide as needed. This would look like this when you double click on the markup to show the comment box.
It would look like this if you click the x on the comment box.
The text will still be in the markups list and if you hover over the markup with your cursor, you will get a preview of the text.
The text will only take up space on the PDF if you double click on the markup to show the comment on the PDF.
Let me know if this helps?0
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