These are the instructions I created for my office to help people setup a Studio Session and include custom Status for your use. Feel free to ask any questions or offer suggestions.
@Luke Shiras this is AWESOME. We're redoing a Studio course on Bluebeam University early next year, we may have to pick your brain about this 😊
@Luke Shiras - Thanks! I've never really had to use Studio Sessions but it's something that I really should look into further so this is great to see.
Really great guide you've created, @Luke Shiras!
We have a similar setup, although we will default our initial markup to be "Redline" and color it red (this seems to make life easier for our PMs who review documents….). From there, we have a number of statuses and colors associated to picking up those redlines.
Names and colors are subjective based on the audience. My setup was based on an agency review and followed their color scheme. I like your names for internal/consultant review. Although that yellow is hard on the eyes 🤪