Better Rotate
Please improve the Rotate function when rotating with the grip on plan. It has like a 15° resolution. Please make it more granular / smoother.
BluebeamAddin limit?
After upgrading to Revu 21.4 I started getting this popup message whenever I launch Revit. Because I'm working on some older projects, I'm using Revit 2023, 2024, and 2025. 2024 is the only version this doesn't show up so I guess that's the version the add-in was applied to. What effect does this error have and how can I…
engineering units
How can I change measurements, dimensions & calibration, from architectural to engineering units?
What are your Tips and Tricks for the Specification Manual?
What are your tips and tricks for utilizing Bluebeam when it comes to the Specification Manual beyond simply booking the sections and conducting a word search? There are many posts and videos available on maximizing the use of drawings for markups, navigation, and collaboration. However, these resources often overlook the…
Same Legend - Multiple Counts - Same Page
The ability to have two separate Legends for the same Count/Markup. The ability to use the same tool set to count (2) separate drawings located on the same page and create two separate legends .
Text Box coloring
when using text box to label circuits on electrical drawings, is there a way to set a text box to color the numbers to the phase color of that number. say I type in a 1 the text is Black, if I type in a 3 the text will be red, and 5 would show in Blue
Attempting to 'Automark' a plan set using a recent webinar that Ryan and Harry presented on. In the data box, I am only getting the preview to be the Region 1/Region 2 as shown below. Also, in the attached thumbnail photo, I'm not sure why the red box is so large. Scaling is not important to me during automarking, but…
Best way to deploy .btx tool chest files to computers with Revu already installed?
I know we can ask users to open the .btx file. But is it possible to deploy the .btx file automatically or copy it to a folder? Thanks.
Places or Spaces
I would like to know which is the best application to use these two options in Revu? I would like to be able to look at a list of a room and just click on a link that brings me to the only spots needed for the room.
Hide items from Markups List, but leave them visible in the PDF view?
Hello Everyone, Frequently, the plans we receive have a lot of existing markup from the engineer, etc. These are artifacts visible in both the PDF view and the Markups List. Is there a simple way to hide these from the Markups List but leave them visible in the PDF? These are not relevant to my workflow in the Markups List…
Add overlays to Studio Project without saving and re-adding from File System
Hello Everyone, is there a simple way to add a BB-created document, such as an overlay, to a Studio Project without saving it first to the File System and then uploading it to the Studio Project? I apologize if this has already been asked and answered. I tried searching before asking but didn't come up with anything. Thank…
Getting help accessing account
Hi, we have an account with Bluebeam that was created by an admin who is no longer with our firm. We are still being charged for this account and want to continue access, how do we log back into this account for use? The former admin who created this account is no longer available. Let us know, eager to get back into use…
Session file added offline with same name as file added by others online
Recently, I added a file to a session while offline and started making comments in it. Unknown to me, someone added the same file with the same file name to the session while I was offline. When I went back online, there was an error message that said it was not possible to have two files with the same name in a session…
Remove suggested words from a drop-down list
Hello, I am really sorry if my English is approximate. Indeed I use a translator, my mother tongue being French. I tried searching, but very difficult without knowing the language. When you create a new object, from the first letters entered, a drop-down list of all the objects already encoded is proposed. How to delete…
PDFs and Original Drawings syncup process
With PDF mock-up changes in collaboration, it is certain that original drawings to become obsolete, how to handle such a situation? Does BB have any established/recommended manual and automated approach to two-way syncup? I am open to understanding if such sync-up issues are solved even privately (i.e may not be a public…