Selecting language
Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to change my language to English for my tool chest? As can be seen in image attached, I have already changed the language to English as seen by the tabs on the top of the image. However, the Tool chest symbols inside remain in a different language. can anyone help me with fixing this?
Projectwise plugin checkbox doesn't stay checked
Hi everyone, we have Revu 20.3.30, If we check the projectwise plugin check box in Revu Administrator, Apply, and Close. Next time we open Administrator the checkbox isn't checked. We are running Administrator in Admin mode, and the other plugins work. There's no errors. Bluebeam Plugins Administrator.log says this.…
Custom Stamps Stored within Bluebeam Revu?
I've removed custom stamps from the Stamps folder where they were kept, however they are still accessible to attach to a PDF. Is Bluebeam storing a copy someone within the program? This pertains to electronic copies of professional seals that belong to a partner that is retiring so we can't have them accessible to anyone…
The easiest and quickest way to add a Profile to Bluebeam Revu
Did you know that double-clicking a Bluebeam Revu Profile (.bpx file) automatically opens Revu and imports the profile for you? This is the quickest and easiest way to have a User import a Profile. It is a very low impact for our non-technical friends and co-workers. 😅 It is much better than explaining how to click the…
How to search by page label?
I created page labels for my document and want to search for them but when using CTRL+F the page does not show up as seen below. Another solution would be to order/sort the pages by their label, is this possible?
Problem with page numbering in Navigation Bar
I have a large document that is the Exhibits to a contract. In updating the file, replacing pages that have been modified to keep the document current, the page numbering is now off. The first 144 pages of the document are in sequence, but at page 145, the number outside the parenthesis resets to 1. Is there a way to get…
Overlay and Compare Pages Issue
Dear Folks, I need to Overlay the Combined PDF’s. I had 17 pages Combined updated design drawings PDF. Old Revision had Combined 122 Pages. Option 1: - Does the Blue Beam Automatically Overlay the 17 pages (Based on Exact Design Drawings) from that 122 old revision? Option 2: - Or I will Manually separate that 17 pages…
Markup list showing duplicate entries
Hello, We are getting duplicate entries in Markup list for specific dates. is there any way to fix. Regards, Abhijit Bute
How to get a client_id and secrets
Hello, We want to make an internal webpage that tracks all the Bluebeam review sessions within our group. It seems that the Bluebeam Studio API would be the solution. We couldn't find the portal to Register Apps. Please help.
Hotkey Combinations for Stream Deck (Macro Keyboards)
Curious to know what keyboard hotkeys people use and if they use combinations of these keyboard shortcuts to accomplish certain workflows. Two common hotkey combinations I use are: After Reviewing Submittals Ctrl + Shift + M + Enter [Flatten Markup] ➡ Ctrl + S [Save] OCR a Drawing Set Alt + O + Enter I have been using the…
I have 2019 Bluebeam CAD and trying to make 3D pdf in Revit 2024. Bluebeam plugin to create pdfs is not available in Bluebeam Administrator. Any Ideas how to fix this?
Tool Chest Tool Sets
I have searched all over the various Bluebeam sites and cannot find the answer. Is there anywhere to download additional Tool Sets for the Tool chest. I'm specifically looking for Access Control, Security, and CCTV Tool Sets. TIA.
Fillable Form: Drop down field colors
Hi all, I am putting together a fillable form that includes multiple drop downs to use as status reports. They will all contain the same 3 items (on track, potential risks/delays and roadblocks. My goal is to assign a different color to each item. For example, if "on track" is selected, that field turns green. If…
Form Font causing issues to Check Box and Radio Buttons
Does anyone know how to fix or work around Bluebeam forms Radio Buttons and Check Boxes that show numbers instead of the desired symbols? i.e. Cross/checkmark for Check Boxes and not numbers when checked. Performing an online search and there did not seem to be a lot of helpful information out there other than to change…
Feature Highlight: Hiding Markups
This week, we're highlighting how to hide markups in Bluebeam Revu temporarily! Temporarily hide markups in Bluebeam Revu to quickly surface and interact with markups whose visibility is obscured by overlapping markups. Here's how to: Hide Markups: Right-click the markup(s) you want to hide on the document or from the…