I've been having a back and fourth with technical support and come to the conclusion that there is currently no built in feature to clear the browser cache, when Bluebeam is used as a web browser.
In my case I have a website that has been changed, but it never changes unless reinstalling the whole software. This is very bad user wise and causes a lot of frustration as it's difficult to know for new users why old websites stay the same.
On regular browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome there is a universal hotkey CONTROL+F5 which causes a refresh and ignores browse cache, forcing an update on pages. On Bluebeam there is neither this nor a setting in options.
So the features I suggest that you develop and implement in a future update are the following:
- A hotkey for forcefully refreshing browser cache; CONTROL+F5 or possibly CONTROL+R seems the most reasonable.
- A setting and button in Revu Bluebeam options to clear all browser cache.
I don't know which browser is embedded in Revu 21 but it could be Chromium.
Best Regards