I know we can ask users to open the .btx file. But is it possible to deploy the .btx file automatically or copy it to a folder?
There are a couple ways to do it. If you look at the deployment guide here:
Revu 21 Deployment Guide | Bluebeam Technical Support
Go toward the bottom and find "Deploying custom extensions via the Revu.exe command line"
From there you can see a couple different commands related to Tool Sets.
/btxadd: would let you set a path to a Tool Set on a shared network drive that all users point to. Revu knows to cache network tool sets locally for offline usage.
/btximport: causes the Tool Set to be copied locally for each user
@Peter Noyes btximport does the trick well! Thank you.
Are we able to reorder the user's tool sets? I would like to move the new ones to the top, or near the top.
There isn't a way to use those commands to reorder. That is a great suggestion.
I just noticed when I used btximport it added the toolsets to the user's current profile Tool Chest only. Is it possible to add the toolsets to all the profiles?
Also, where in the config does Revu track which profile is 'active' for a user?
Revu tracks the active profile in UserPreferences.xml in:
C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Bluebeam Software\Revu\21
<Record Key="ProfileManager"> <Path>C:\Users\pnoyes\AppData\Roaming\Bluebeam Software\Revu\21\</Path> <Active>Quantity Takeoff</Active> </Record>
Using the above import command, there is unfortunately not a way to specify that it should be in all profiles.
The way that Revu knows that a Tool Set should be in all profiles, is by having it specified inside the UserPreferences.xml mentioned above instead of inside of the profile. A record looks like this:
<Record Key="ToolSetManager"> <ToolSet> <Path>Electrical.btx</Path> <Title>Electrical</Title> </ToolSet> </Record>
Thanks for the help. I was able to script adding the tool sets to the UserPreferences.xml ToolSet element so they all auto appear for all profiles.
I want to write a script to edit the .bpx profile configs so these custom Sets appear at the top of each tool chest. Hope I can find time.
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