Question... Is there a easy way to set the default Markups List Alphabetically?
Happy Friday everyone.. One thing that has always kept me tossing and turning in bed is…. the display order of the Markups List.. Now don't get me wrong, i do enjoy a good manual reordering of the columns just like anyone else.. But, is there a magic button somewhere in Preferences or something to show them in Alphabetial…
Can you total a legend of different sources into One figure?
I've been away from Revu for a few years and just picking it up again. I am getting pretty frustrated that I can't find out how to enter a total for my legend at the bottom of my legend's individual source quantities. (this probably isn't a new thread, again just couldn't find anything and I'm wasting loads of time).…
Navigating between cells in the markups list using the keyboard directional arrows?
Is anyone aware of a setting that will allow me to navigate between cells in the markups list with the directional arrows, tab key, or enter/return button on the keyboard similar to inputting data in excel? We sometimes use the Markups list to collect additional data from drawings and it can be slightly laborious when…
Filter Markups UI has changed for the worse in Revu 21
Previously, when one activated the filter markup list tool, there were arrows next to the column headers to prompt users to click the column headers to filter the markups list. However, in Revu 21, the headers become greyed out when the filter tool is activated and they no longer have an arrow, and it looks as though the…
Markups List - Collapsing/Expanding Markups List bug?
If I have my markups collapsed by page, then set a markup to a status (i.e. complete), the entire Markups List will expand.
Organizing markups in a Studio session
We typically have quite large review sessions that can reach thousands of markups from dozens of users. Many of our users, as well as our suppliers on the receiving end, ask for better ways to organize markups. Most commonly to group a set of markups to discuss at coming meetings or to assign to different users for further…
Minimizing Sections within Markups List
When minimizing sections of the markup list then changing a status of a markup, the list then fully expands. It would be nice to keep sections minimized when possible. Sections only seem to stay minimized when utilizing split screen and going between documents.
Markup Replies - Filter, Sort, and Search
Provide ability to filter, sort and search comment replies using the existing search bar and filter list functions in the markups tab. This would be especially useful in Sessions as the comments by other users are locked and not editable. Being able to filter and sort comment replies would give reviewers the ability to tag…
Trigger Filter Markup List on a click of a Markup
It would be great to show a Markup Filtered List on a click of a Markup containing the same text than a specific column of the list. Thanks
Changing your Display Name
This is a very useful and often overlooked task when getting started on Bluebeam. Credit to Carolyn Stegon (former OCBUG Champion) for this tip. Select "Preferences" under the Revu tab: Under the "General" Setting and "Options" Tab, update your user name: This simple yet underrated update will help identify you when…
Can assigned Tool Chests be featured as a selected column in the Markups Lists?
I organize my tool chests by CSI cost-codes that correlate with our Estimate Template. Each tool chest has specific markups/takeoffs that go with each cost code. Would it be possible for Revu to include a function that allows markups to be sorted out by their "pulled from" tool chest?
Layer Info with saving tool defaults
It would be helpful if the layer info saved to the tool when you save defaults. We have companywide toolsets that contain layer info, but some of our users prefer hot key commands. It would be nice if setting there commends to the applicable defaults did not mess with the intent of our layer logic.
Markups List for Drawing Sets (also flags and bookmarks)
Option for the markup lists to show markups for entire drawing set. Currently it only shows markups for the active pdf drawing. If your drawing set is made of multiple individual pdf files or if you add an addendum to your drawing set that replaces pages, the Markups list is basically useless. The same could be said for…
Have you used the new Label feature that lets you put any Markup List Column data?
I just created a ToolSet for steel framing where I used a Custom Column to display the Steel Member Size on the Markup Dimension (what I use for Steel Framing) on the PDF. This worked great because I used a Choice Custom Column to filter the different sizes into different categories based on the Markups Subject name. I am…
Cutouts listed in Overview of Markups and Measurements
Hello Guys, hope you are doing fine, I'm working with Bluebeam Revu now for one year and im overall really happy with the software and the provided tutorials. As a tender engineer, i measure quantities all the time, and sometimes I even have to make the Bill of Quantity (BOQ) myself. Therefore, something i would love to…