How can I edit markup properties in Bluebeam Cloud?
How can I edit markup properties in Bluebeam Cloud? Using Chrome browser. The documentation states: "When you select a markup in a drawing, the Markup Editor appears and allows you to customize the appearance of the selected markup. The options available will be different depending on the type of markup selected."…
Bluebeam cloud iOS- bulk download
It would be nice to be able to download in bulk a folder or series of drawing so the user can have a speedier experience than having to wait for the drawing to load. Just like Bluebeam iPad you should be able to see the status of the drawing and whehter or not it has been pre-downloaded. It just helps to set the…
Bluebeam Integration with Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC)
Hello, Just wanted to mention that if there's a way that Bluebeam could be used within the Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) opposed to the .pdf related tools that Autodesk provides within ACC, I believe a lot of people would prefer to use your tools instead. This would require integrating Bluebeam into ACC's cloud…
📢 The Future of Bluebeam Cloud ☁️
Hi everyone! We thought the community forum would be a good place to share our upcoming plans for Bluebeam Cloud. Our web and mobile solutions have been evolving over the past few years. Now, with the latest technologies, we're excited to bring Studio capabilities to Bluebeam Cloud. This means that Studio Sessions, Studio…
Chrome OS support for Cloud
Devices running Chrome OS are not supported at this time. I'm sure there's a technical reason for this which I would love to learn about. More importantly, I wish Chrome OS was supported. Is there a timeline for when Chrome OS will be supported?
FEDRAMP and/or disabling cloud services - CMMC evaluation
Hello, Does Bluebeam have any intentions of pursuing a Fedramp government offering? Does Bluebeam have solid documentation on how to disable cloud functionality? This article referenced these support threads: How to disable access to Bluebeam services | Bluebeam Technical Support We've got a customer who wants to use…
Offer an ability to disable all cloud/collaborate/studio functionality
In industries like government or health work, there are very intensive security requirements for what we need in a cloud provider in order to use them. Bluebeam does not meet our requirements, and it would be nice to have an easy way to block studio/collab administratively without needing to implement firewall or DNS…
Bluebeam Cloud, My Workspace tools to manage files
Hello, Could you please advise where I can find the tools to manage files in my workspace (Bluebeam Cloud)? I have over 600 files stored in my workspace, and I cannot find any tool to search for files, create folders, or navigate these files effectively. I am finding it very difficult to believe that your company has the…
Bluebeam Cloud Loading Time for Large Multi-page PDF Plan Sets
Our existing QAQC review procedures have us uploading up to very large plan sets 300+ sheets to Studio Sessions. While the desktop Revu Studio Sessions cache / download the base PDF, the loading process on mobile devices and browsers could be greatly enhanced with some indicator of file download progress (%). It would also…
Preset SharePoint Check-In Comments
We're using the SharePoint integration to test options for AP processes. Once files are edited and checked in, we'd like to use Power Automate workflows to perform appropriate actions based on the check-in comment column in the SharePoint document library. The current open dialog works but provides a lot of opportunity for…
Leave Bluebeam Cloud Alone?
How many times is Bluebeam going to change the name and functionality of online drawing distribution tool? Drawings, Studio, Cloud, etc. etc. The current CLOUDS has had so many names and every time we want to consider it for a new project, the tool shuts down and functionality is changed. Cloud is being eliminated August…
Sort Studio Session Attendee List Alphabetically
It's a nightmare scrolling through the list to try to send an alert. Shocking that there appears to be no logic to the order the names are sorted.
Red Clouds
Can Someone explain these Red Clouds to me? Why do the Come up and what is the issue? Thank you
Add capability for android
This app is useless on android it is just a PDF viewer with zero value add. Even with the latest update its a huge let down. How can this be so far behind the iOS app and competitors?
Inclusion of comments on PDF punchlist reports in Bluebeam Cloud
I am loving Bluebeam Cloud for so many reasons, but am finding tracking progress through the available documentation a little tough—specifically on PDF reports that I send to contractors. With just a single Description field, it's tough to document the "issue description" and "notes about how the issue was resolved" for…