Search Project / Sessions Job Names
As our Project List on Studio increases, so does the time it takes to find a project. Would be super handy to have a search at the top of the projects list, not for files inside the projects, just for the Project names. I am sure the same would be helpful with Sessions, although we don't use those as much on our end.
Likewise, it would be nice to sort them into groups. Like a folder tree but without making folders. Maybe grouped by keywords or naming convention. In the example above, i could see 2240001 projects being clustered together and 240002 projects in another cluster which could be expanded and collapsed as needed - kind of the way bookmarks work.
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Currently I have 40+ bluebeam sessions that I keep visiting. Sessions should be searchable from the top or be arranged and sorted the way we want. It sometimes gets difficult to find a project or session in the mess.
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search option idea is nice
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