Is there a way to export induvidual coordinates of points on polyline/polylength?
Posts: 2
in Peer Support
I understand we a re able to export sizes and locations of markups in blue beam but i cant seem to find a method to automaticly export a scaled polyline so that i can run calculations.
Looking for ideas, thanks!
That's an interesting one. If the PDF scale is set properly, the length will be accurate and that can be exported, or Quantity Linked into Excel for calculations based on that length. The X/Y columns will only give one point, not individual points along the length. Does the overall length of the polyline not work for your calculations?
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Unforchunatly no, spent a lot of time trying to find a way but to no avail.
Just the length does not work as the shape is crucial for the calculations, or else there is no point.
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