Print to Bluebeam Problem Resolved

I just installed version 21.4 this morning on a second work machine, and encountered the common problem of Print to Bluebeam being broken during install. I resolved the problem using the following steps (Windows 11, 64 bit). I have admin privileges, so make sure you can make such changes before starting. I can't guarantee this is the exact right way to accomplish this fix, but these are the steps that worked for me. Proceed at your own risk.
1. In Windows, go to "Printers & Scanners" by searching your device
2. My device showed that Bluebeam was installed as a printer, but was disconnected.
3. Click on the line showing the Bluebeam print device, and hit the "Remove" button
4. Once it has been removed, search Windows for "Bluebeam Administrator 21" and open it. Click "yes" to allow changes to your device.
5. A window will open. Go into the "Print" tab and then click on "Reinstall Printer".
6. You should see a small dialogue box pop up after a little bit that says "Printer Install Succeeded".
This restored all previous print to PDF using Bluebeam as the print device. Hopefully it helps you, too!
Thanks. I had to do this this morning. I don't think it was an issue in the previous R-21 releases.
Also, I right-clicked on Bluebeam Administrator 21 and selected "run as administrator" and it worked for me.
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