Keyboard shortcuts

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What's up ya'll?
I am on a Windows PC, Revu 21.4.
I do not have any access to the tool chest keyboard shortcut "alt + x". All other keyboard shortcuts I have used operate just fine. I've reached out to Bluebeam support and also just did a complete uninstall and reinstall of the program.
Updates February 7th, 2025
I received this laptop fresh out of the box and installed 20.03 version, recently updating to 21.4. Bluebeam is instructing me to run some cleaner tool and start everything over… None of my coworkers have access to the recently available "alt + x" shortcut to the tool chest.
My opinion is that this is a bug, much like the bug that does not allow you to edit markup names in the markups list. You must navigate to Revu > Preferences (or ctrl + k) > Spelling > Enable Auto-Complete (uncheck this box) and the problem is solved!!
Fingers crossed both issues are resolved, especially the markups list one because if you mistype a commonly used name, i.e, adding punctuation or a spacebar in an incorrect place, it skews the totals of that tool.
I hope this update helps others in the community.
@Josh.Dickie - deleted the comment for you!
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Mine has done the same thing. Was there a solution for this?
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Same here. Why was the shortcut and the feature to create a shortcut for the Tool Chest removed?
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I've posted an update above. I'm not sure the best way people usually post updates - revising the original post or with a new comment and headline indicating an update. Any feedback is appreciated.
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Adding an additional comment here is fine. If the original post is old it may not let you edit.
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