Custom Statuses applied to all new Studio PDF's
Is there a way that all pdfs uploaded to a BB studio session have a custom status applied?
The method outlined in this article with a saved profile still makes you create one markup and set the the status for it to be included in the studio session.
Currently our workflow is everyone who uploads to the BB session has to remember to go to "Manage States" > "Completed" > "Modify" > Turn on color and set to gray. This way all completed markups in the session are grayed out.
Best Answer
Hi Zach, great question. No, seriously, this is a good one.
The best method is to use Scripts in Revu Complete. Our Scripts are not that complex, but I have left the code that I use below. Update the mapped location to suit your network and keep the " " in the script.
ColumnsImport("map the location to your blank Custom Columns file.xml")
InsertPages(0,"map the location to your Metadata-Formated File.pdf", false, false, false, false, false)
PageDelete(1)This Script inserts a blank .xml to clean out any existing Custom Columns, the Metadata Formated File as the first page, it applies the Metadata to all pages and then is deleted from the file.
Note that the Script can't delete or hide any Statues that are in the drawing; this will need to be done manually still (sorry). But the right ones will be loaded 😊.
This opens up the opportunity to include metadata like Custom Columns and Layers. The inserted PDF could be your company or project visual guide to best practices and remain in the Session.
TIP: If you want a clean slate of Custom Columns, insert a blank .xml. To create a blank .xml go to a new, vanilla PDF with no Custom Columns and export the Manage Columns information.Bonus Tip 1: Use this Script in Batch Script for individual drawings you want to load into a Session.
Bonus Tip 2: Add your Script to a Button and make it a Keyboard Shortcut.
When I find a way to clean out Statuses automatically, I will let you know - or tell me if you find a way 😁Oh, I strongly suggest not using Grey. If you are using Filters, they also turn filtered-out items grey, which will make it challenging to distinguish the difference between filtered-out and completed.
Good luck.
Thanks, Shanoc! This is perfect. Especially the button tip! I wonder can this script be applied to all pdfs that I export from Revit using the BB pdf print tool? I am thinking of ways that the whole office can have this script automatically applied to anything we are working on in BB.
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