Feature Highlight: Layers
Layers are great so it's a shame that when you try to use a parent and child setup you can't then use a template as these settings are lost.
Solution at the moment is to just save a ordinary master pdf but if this issue can be fixed then using a template would be much better.
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@vfrench - This suggestion may be slightly different than what you're suggesting above, but I think it's in line with what you're saying. If not, please correct me! Either way, please submit this feedback to us!
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Also - Layers is a topic that's being discussed next week! RSVP here if you're interested in discussing Layers with your peers!
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Hi @Angela Aff .
I have the layers in the template exactly how I want them - parent and child layers all look fine. I've then even created and named a new configuration.
However, as soon as I open a new drawing from the template, all of the setting are lost and I'm just left with one long list of layers - no parent or child settings.
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