Edit Tool Chest Layout
- Would it be possible to create an additional option under "Manage Toolsets" to edit the columns in the Tool Chest? Such as renaming or disabling which ones are not used. And that the columns are also extended as soon as they are extended to the right and do not become narrower again
This discussion has been moved from Product Ideas to the Talk Bluebeam topic to gain more comments and visibility. However, this feedback has been recorded for our Product Team.
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I would guess it to remove the "Comment Column" when toolchest items are in Detail mode. The comment column takes up valuable realestate and unable to open the Subject column wide to view easily without opening the whole tool chest very wide. @Willem Kraaij This would be a great fix.
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When you click on 'Manage Tool Chest', select one of the existing Tool Chests and click 'Modify'.
From here, you can edit the name for each tool chest. You can also select the red "X" to delete the tool chest that are no longer used.
As far as the columns continuing to narrow, I do not have an answer for that. I agree with @Brent that the comments column should be removed or at least moved to the right of Label.
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When working in the detailed view of the Tool Chest, I find the "Comment" column takes up too much screen space. Is there a way to hide or rearrange it? I’d like the "Label" to be more prominent instead.
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This request has come up a couple of times. The answer so far has been "no" but go vote on the top link so they can see how much interest there is in this option.
@Marco M time to merge posts?
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