Example of Talk Bluebeam posts
Hi Bluebeamers!
Having trouble deciding what to discuss in the Talk Bluebeam forum? Anything related to Bluebeam!
Below is an example of the types of discussions welcomed. A Bluebeamer might ask:
Q: Can a stamp tool be created that automatically adds the date it was applied?
And a response they might receive from other Bluebeamers or Staff could look like:
A: “Great question! Stamps can include dynamic text, which allows for specific information to be automatically added to the Stamp when it is applied to the PDF. This includes author, file name, and date among many other things! While in the Stamp editor and creating a Text box, you will see a small Dynamic drop down in the lower left-hand corner of the Text box. You can select from several standard dynamic text fields, including date. Another way is to just type [&Date] in the Text box; the Stamp will recognize this as dynamic. For more detailed instructions please visit our Working with Stamps support article.
Matt Beaumont, Customer Success Manager"
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, check out our Get Started FAQs and Community Chatter forum.
General question: Does this system allow posts like this to be pinned to the top? I find guidelines like this help, especially when the category title is ambiguous or easy to misinterpret. Asking for a friend.
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@Luke Shiras Indeed! This platform allows Staff to identify posts that can be promoted to the top for a period of time, as well as pinned indefinitely.
On the member side, it is possible that a certain number of Likes/Reactions can increase visibility of a topic. That's definitely something we can look enabling in the future.
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Thanks. The current Discussion Topics are generally self-explanatory at this time but it could get messy as more are added.
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There are no areas to create tags. Or are you referring to this section?
This should only allow the selection of existing tags. Tagging is managed on the backend.
We'll definitely have a process in which we'll take more direct feedback and missing tags from the community, however.
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I was referring to the "add tags" part of the post. I assumed we could enter whatever words we wanted but I can understand how that would not be a good idea. I am surprised that Stamps and Signatures are not on the approved list. Is there a place we can make suggestions of tags to add or do you have a backend method for spotting key words?
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I have added the mentioned tags, but we currently do not have a formal process for these requests.
I've created a discussion post in the Community Hub for now that I recommend posting in and we can keep the community updated there. If we do come up with a better solution in the future, we'll make sure to share.
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