How to post discussions, questions, ideas, and polls

Marco M
Posts: 181
Bluebeam Connect is a place where users can build connections with Bluebeamers around the world, discover what’s new, and make their voices heard. This community is for you. Take advantage of it!
We’re here to assist you in any way possible. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or advice on anything Bluebeam, including industry-specific discussions. You can create as many discussions as you want, including questions, ideas, and polls.
- To create a discussion, go to any category page or topic.
- Select New Discussion to choose from a drop-down list of the type of discussion you want.
- Select the category you wish to post in.
- Make sure to include any relevant screenshots or media.
- Add any Tags before posting.
All members can edit their posts within 24 hours of the original post time. To edit, click on the post menu (...) and select Edit.
You can also leave comments under a discussion, unless closed, at the very bottom of the last reply.
For information on tagging, notifications, and more, please visit the Welcome Guide.
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