Bullet points & Indent text
With more people using bluebeam as a CAD/drawing program. It would be nice if bullet points/numbers points with auto text indent was a feature.
Keyboard shortcut to page number area in Navigation Bar
This was a suggestion from an end user email I received. Current State: Flipping to various pages in a PDF by manually clicking into the page number area of the Navigation Bar and typing in the page number. Suggestion: a keyboard shortcut to jump into the page number area to type in the destination page number. This would…
Highlight Text by Outline
The Select Text tool allows you to use Ctrl+Click to drag a rectangle for selecting text. Is it possible to achieve this with the Highlighter tool? Or can we apply a highlight to the selected text? I also note we can right click and apply highlight, however this will only apply the default and not the custom tool:
Save Batch Signing, Dating, and Stamp Locations
To comply with new laws we need the ability to sign and stamp drawings. Not all of the engineers are as tech savy when it comes to items like placing and resizing design elements so the stamps look right and it will be very time-consuming to rearrange and manually place all of these elements every time. The ability at…
Fix Automark bug that reads from bottom up
I've noticed this issue for a while, but was hoping it would get fixed at some point… I'm not sure why, but some times when I use Automark the program reads the bottom line first, then moves up instead of starting from the top and reading down. The workaround is to assign separate regions per line in the title block, but…
Option to disable dimming markups when filtered out
I don't see that there is an option to disable the automatic dimming of markups when filtering the Markups List. This creates challenges in workflows where supporting sketches are drawn to provide visual context for comments but are not meant to appear as actionable items in the Markups List. Currently, when filtering the…
Loupe Tool
I miss having the Loupe tool that Acrobat has, where you can magnify a small area, without having to change your zoom level or position.
Bb Session Email content
It would be nice if the Session email included the list of documents in the Session. This is helpful when you recieve the email bu tmore helpful after the session has been closed. We have clients who host their sessions and once they close the session it's no possible to check if a document was previously reviewed. Since…
Back button to previous page viewed
It would be helpful to have the option to change the function of the back button from previous view to previous page viewed. I often go to a page an pan around, zoom in a few times and then want to go back to the previous page but I have to hit back multiple times because it cycles through the scrolling and panning.
Entering the same text in multiple form fields
I utilize a lot of repeatable text in form fields. When a number is involved, I can use calculate and have the boxes auto-fill with the number from the original box. When I use text, I cannot do that. I would like to be able to enter the text in one box and have it auto-fill to the other boxes. Can this be done today? If…
Data Node with Customizable Input Form
We are working to create a construction site visit report template in Bluebeam, and would like the ability to place a "Data Node" object on a PDF sheet that, by clicking the object, brings up a pop-up dialogue box with customizable data entry and attachment capabilities (such as adding images). I know that an image can be…
Search for multiple keywords with one search
I want to search multiple keywords without doing multiple single word searches. Like if I am trying to find relevant electrical data in other trade documents, so I have to search "electric" "power" "light" "luminaire" "current" "circuit". Adding Boolean search options would be a welcome feature in document searching, as it…
Highlight current open document
Currently, when multiple files are open in a session, the titles on the tabs become truncated, much like browser tabs, making it difficult to identify which file is currently in view. It would be highly beneficial if the Studio panel on the left could highlight the currently open tab.
iPad App Overhaul Desperately Needed
We really need an overhauled Bluebeam App for iPad. The current application isn't optimized for newer iPads and it seems as if total development of the app has just stopped (albeit for a few minor updates here and there). It's been years, MULTIPLE years since there's been a major version update (at least 5+ years ago now).…
Make layering available for pdf's exported from Revit
As the title says