I have tested this Flatten mis-behavior multiple times after stumbling on it recently:
- Individually Flatten one or more markups (select, right-click, Flatten; see below)
- Then use Document|Flatten… to flatten all (other) markups, leaving Allow Markup Recovery unchecked. (This would presumably mean that all markups are now perma-flattened.
- Click Document|Unflatten. Markups flattened in step #2 will remain flattened, as expected. However, any markups individually flattened (per step #1) before the step #2 full-document flattening will become un-flattened.
This behavior is not expected and could result in other users being able to unflatten markups that the sender believes have been perma-flattened.
[Sorry if this is the wrong type of post — years ago, Bluebeam had a 'report a bug' command in the menus, but that seems to be long gone…]