We've had some new members join the experiment this week so it seems like a good time to post this quick start video.
that looks really neat. I'd like to see how this would work with structural steel drawings (we don't do buildings very often) for piperacks and vessel supports. Unfortuantely for now my port access to labs is still closed.
Hi Duane, I'm going to pass that comment along to the team. I dont know that we have had anyone use 3D Drawings for steel drawings yet. Although I'd image there are a lot of connections in a drawing set like that which would be a great thing to test. The team is aware of the issue you ran into with the non standard ports and hopefully that will be addressed in a future update.
I have been trying 3D with steel drawings. The one thing that would be VERY helpful for me is the ability to highlight grid lines. Such as, highlight grids A and 1 and it will highlight on ALL drawings in the 3D model.
@Tim S - FPI I grabbed this from your other post and sent it onto the team. Thanks for sharing that insight with us.
@Duane Gingras We have released an updated version of 3D Drawings with updated ports that should be more in line with "normal ports" that should be less of a headache for IT groups. If you get a chance, can you tro to log into labs to see if you are able to access 3D Drawings after this update (you may need to log out and back in again): https://app.bluebeam.com/labs
Thanks @Ryan Arnold. I can now log in from my work account!
@Duane Gingras AWESOME! I will let the team know.
Hi Everyone, Here is a quick overview of getting started with 3D Drawings. Please review this thread and comment back to me if you have any questions or run into any issues getting started. First, after you have been accepted for a new Bluebeam Labs experiement you will be given access to that experiment in the Labs tab on…
Creating and Navigating 3D Drawings Viewing 3D Drawings: Click on the “3D Drawings” button to view a model based on the floor plans and elevations in your project. To view specific parts of the model, use control-click to select elements like walls and floors, then drag to explore the 3D view. Overlay and Comparison…
Here is a quick description of some tasks we would like you to perform in 3D Drawings. During this process we encourage you to add your own plans and explore 3D Drawings by connecting different floor plans to elevations. Experiment with the various features to understand how they can enhance your workflows. After you have…
What do I do when one of the elevation views is not scaling accurately?
Is there anyway to edit the connection after the connection has been placed? Since the placement it based on where you place an elevation (for instance), you may need to move the connection point so that the elevation is in the proper location so that when viewing the connections, the elevation isn't far away from the plan.
It would be very beneficial to be able to set the scale of each individual drawing. Many times we have overall plans at 1/16" scale but the elevations are at 1/8" scale. So when connecting plans and elevations, they don't line up.
Hi eveyrone, I sent out an email last week, but we have had some new testers join the experiment since then so I wanted to post this here to make sure everyone has a chance to fill it out the survey. We would like to send you a special Bluebeam Labs participant gift. Please provide your preferred shipping address…