Replace Pages in Bulk
Hello everyone
I found very useful the replace pages tool, since allows me to keep the label from the original page. It's there any way to do this in bulk?
I know there is the split page tool that allows me to replace the revised pages in bulk, but it does not keep the original name. It would be great to have the option to keep the original name instead of the revised page, but at this time, I do not see a way to do this.
Thank you for your help
Best Answer
When replacing pages, adjust the remove pages range (7) to something like 3 to 10. Then make the Replace with range (1) match - 1-8. Note that the start range number is included, so 3-10 is eight pages (not seven). Be sure to check the highlighted part to keep the page labels/bookmarks.
Thank you so much!!!! That is the answer I needed
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