Results are in: Batch Feature Results are in!
We asked: Which of these BATCH features has helped you out/been the most beneficial to you?
…And you answered!
Batch Compare Documents was the crowd favorite!
"Batch Compare Documents feature compares groups of documents to each other and highlights the differences between them."
@RJ Palis @vfrench @iuliserb @Sumit Roy @Jon Brewer @samisasm @akhikund — you all voted on Batch Compare Documents! Share an example on how you're using it!
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When we receive a revised set of drawing PDFs, we generally put them inside the "New" folder and accordingly all the similar old files in the "Old" folders. If there are differences in the file names, we generally rename them with the "Lupas" tool and then we use the batch Overlay or compare to get the batch summary, thank you
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For "Batch Compare Documents" we can get a Batch Summary report as well as Compare document of a number of drawings in batch. Please see the video for better understanding
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Great insights, @Sumit Roy & @akhikund !
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If we receive new or revise set of design drawing, we segregate them by keeping a folder along with the name like New folder for new or revise drawing, old folder for old drawings and overlay or batch document. After having completed this process, we proceed to do the batch overlay or compare to get the summary. After completing the process, we do have well summary in our hand, and it helps a lot to make an estimation and give a priority to the client. Thank You
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