Can I change my unit Length to default to in" instead of ft' in"?
I am tired of having to change each of my measurements from ft'in" to in" every time. I know I can select all at once and change them all to in" but was hoping I could default all measurements to in".
@Carl Please try placing a measurement. In my example, I am using the length tool. From there, change that markup to inches.
Next, add that measurement to a Tool Set. Ensure that you're in Properties mode, and you should be able to continue taking measurements. You could do this for each tool you need represented in inches.
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Edit: Never mind, I think I see that it has already assigned a hotkey for my tools.
Thank you, Ryan! I think I've got it figured out. My only other question is can I designate a hot key for certain "my tools" in my tool chest?
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Great to hear! You might explore My Tools. Each tool is assigned a number or hotkey. Drag the tool icon to the desired position in My Tools.
Why Custom Hot Keys in Bluebeam Revu Are a Game-Changer | Built
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Hello, I changed the "ft-in" to "in" from measurement, and then I opened the property and made it as default. After every time I put a dimension would come in "in" only, thank you
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