Match Adobe Acrobat support for blinking red frame / flashing red box
PDF exports from EPLAN 2.9 and later show a blinking red frame / flashing red box when following internal hyperlinks, as described in the EPLAN 2.9 docs and you can see for yourself when using Acrobat Reader with the attached sample (go to page 220 and click any of the green text).
I have seen Bluebeam Revu show this animation properly, but only once or twice when opening a document locally for the first time, and never when opening it as part of a Studio project.
The blinking frame makes it much easier to quickly follow references through a PDF, especially when links are not just between wires but between objects. For example from pg 220 in the sample, clicking W_7 8.0 leads to another wire, but clicking &MFA11 / 1.3 leads to a a 2D layout overview. In both cases, the flashing red leads your eye to exactly the relevant part of the new page.
The blinking is accomplished via JavaScript and I am seeing some errors in the JavaScript console. I can bring this back to the team to try and understand why it isn't working correctly.
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Just wondering whether you're able to share any update on this?
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This will be fixed in Revu 21.4 which should be available any day now
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Have you had a chance to try 21.4?
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Unfortunately not yet. This feature was enough impetus to get my manager / purchasing dep't to be on-board with upgrading from Revu 20 to Revu 21.
Now they have starting talking with our account managers and are in the early planning stages. They told me hopefully the full transition including SSO is complete by the end of Q1 2025.
So progress for sure — but will likely be a few months before I can try it myself.
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