How to apply AutoCAD document data to Bluebeam Printer
James Little
Posts: 1
in Peer Support
Recently we switched from Adobe to Revu. Everything works perfectly except for a minor detail we need adjusted and I can't find any similar option to make this happen.
When using Adobe PDF printer through AutoCAD it would provide the source DWG data in the PDF document details. Is there an option anywhere to make this happen when using BluebeamPS Driver printer in AutoCAD?
Attached picture for the Adobe option that I believe
enables this to happen.
Have you tried below?
- Bluebeam CAD Plugin: If you have Bluebeam Revu CAD or eXtreme, you can use the Bluebeam plugin for AutoCAD. This plugin allows for more advanced PDF creation options and might help you include additional metadata.
- Custom Properties: You can manually add custom properties to your PDFs in Bluebeam Revu. After creating the PDF, open it in Revu, go to
File > Document Properties
, and add the necessary DWG data manually. - Layer Information: If you need to transfer layer information from AutoCAD to the PDF, you can create a separate PDF for each layer using Bluebeam’s CAD Plug-in and then combine them into a layered PDF in Revu.
- Using DWG Trueview: Another approach is to use Autodesk’s DWG Trueview to convert your DWG files to PDF, ensuring that the metadata is preserved during the conversion.
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