Reply Text defaults to ON?
Is there a way to have the reply text display without hovering your mouse pointer over the darker box.
Hi Bo, to my knowledge, no.
But let's discuss what you are ultimately trying to achieve and why I feel this feature was built this way.
I assume you want to easily see all the Replies on the display area (drawing space). This could be handy, but it could also take up a lot of space on the drawing. I often see people not use Reply, which creates clutter and makes it challenging to read the drawing, if all the Reply information was displayed, I feel it would have the same issues.In my opinion, I like how it works, but how about we look at a way that helps you 😊. If you are not already, I suggest using the Markup List. When you select the Markup with the Reply, the Markup List will display on screen all the data of that markup. I can't see how I can filter to only show Re: (Reply's). That would be a handy feature request: Reply filter search.
Keep the questions coming Bo 👍️.0
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