Support for the apostrophe to be used as a designation of using feet measurments.

In my profession (Land Surveying) we commonly use the ' character to denote the usage of feet in annotating distances. For example: 22.36'. This option is not available in Revu. I am very surprised that this is not supported because it is a very commonly used in many types of work.

Thank you for this awesome application. It is extremely helpful in my work.

Calvin ****

City of Dallas Survey Department

2 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 452

    Just to be absolutely clear, we're talking about the apostrophe, right? Can you explain where it's not working? Is it not showing up or not being recognized as a foot symbol?

  • Calvin
    Calvin Posts: 2

    Yes, it is the ' (single quote) character which is used in United States, Liberia, and Myanmar as to denote using the Foot Measurement.


  • @Calvin , where does it not work? When I place a measurement on a drawing, it shows the ' character.

    Can you provide an instance where it is not recognized?

  • I think I see what you are looking for. In the Unit option of a measurement, we have a option for inches that for my measurement will display 197", but the ft option will display 16.43 ft, and you would like it to display 16.43'?

  • Phil-KudoX8
    Phil-KudoX8 Posts: 7

    It is similar request. In summary again here in the UK as you know we are predominantly using metric units and much of the governing bodies such as the 'RICS' and other institutions utilise m2 for square areas. It would be really useful if this was an option either as a default UK position or just from a unit option menu when setting up the project. Many thanks, Phil