United Kingdom metric measurement for square metres is 'm2' and not 'sq m', Can I alter?
Posts: 6
Hello everyone, I am trying to see if I can change the default metric area measurement label on the system from 'sq m' to a familiar 'm2' label here in the UK. All the instructions, videos online, help searches are silent on the matter. Also been in touch with Tech Support and they were unable to help and suggested I reach out here. Fingers crossed for someone who knows how to or if this is even possible. Many thanks, Phil
@Marco M if this isn't an option yet, maybe this should become an "Idea" to vote on.
While it's not a convention I've seen I suppose ft2 and in2 should be included in this feature/option.
Maybe even include the square foot symbol while we're at it.
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Moved this over to Product Feedback for voting!
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Thank you Marco
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