Markup selection cycle popup

System Posts: 6 ✭ Administrator
edited January 22 in Peer Support
This discussion was created from comments split from: 📢 What’s New: Revu 21.4.


  • Great idea (it can be hard to select an object from crowded areas) but this has been really badly implemented unfortunately. The pop up crowds the area around the cursor and often obscures either the control point or the place where you want to drag the control point to.

    See below where the control point is obscured by the pop up:

    If you hold shift while moving a control point and you release it next to the pop up, the control point often isn't adjusted but does leave a black line behind which disappears once you press esc. This means you are limited in where you can adjust a control point. See the image below where the control point can no longer be adjusted.

    Please please please give us the option to turn off features like this!

  • Marco M
    Marco M Posts: 181
    edited January 22

    Hey @Andrew Shields,

    I went ahead and split and moved your post for visibility. Thanks for providing screenshots!

  • bwiginton
    bwiginton Posts: 15
    edited January 22

    You can turn off Selection Cycle in the Preferences menu. It's just a radio button you can toggle on/off.

    I find the feature useless for my workflow, and it was easy to disable. That said, even if I did use it, the feature was pretty annoying how it covered the area where you were immediately working. Just a really bizarre feature with even more bizarre UI.

  • @bwiginton Thank you!!!

  • bcostlow
    bcostlow Posts: 39

    Yeah, it could be implemented a little better I suppose.

    It's pretty easy to work around though. Zoom-in/out to adjust the placement of the pop-up in relation to your markup. You can hold shift while scrolling to zoom (even if you have to hold ctrl as well because you're in continuous mode).

    BIM Coordinator - Columbus, OH

  • I'm happy to see that there is a way to disable this new feature because it is a bit clunky. It would be nice if you didn't have to go in to preferences to turn it on and off. Maybe just adding an option to turn it on and off easily like the "snap to content", "snap to grid" etc.