Flatten w/o markup recovery has a bug (or bad feature choice...)
I have tested this Flatten mis-behavior multiple times after stumbling on it recently:
- Individually Flatten one or more markups (select, right-click, Flatten; see below)
- Then use Document|Flatten… to flatten all (other) markups, leaving Allow Markup Recovery unchecked. (This would presumably mean that all markups are now perma-flattened.
- Click Document|Unflatten. Markups flattened in step #2 will remain flattened, as expected. However, any markups individually flattened (per step #1) before the step #2 full-document flattening will become un-flattened.
This behavior is not expected and could result in other users being able to unflatten markups that the sender believes have been perma-flattened.
[Sorry if this is the wrong type of post — years ago, Bluebeam had a 'report a bug' command in the menus, but that seems to be long gone…]
Hi @michael miller! Thanks for reaching out and no need to be sorry! There's no wrong type of post!!
I'm not sure if this is a bug and what you're describing appears to be working correctly. From what I can tell...the markups you previously flattened aren't markups anymore, so the setting to not allow recovery won't apply to those when you flatten a second time.
As an alternative, try unflattening all markups and then flatten with the Allow Markup Recovery unchecked.
Additionally, under the Help Menu in Revu, we have two options that would be helpful for you in the future when you need to submit a bug to the team. Under Help you can select:
- Technical Support which will direct you to our technical support site; and,
- Send Log Files which will allow you to send the files you're having issues with in Bluebeam to our team!
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Maybe I misunderstood but it sounded like the previously flattened markups became regular markups after the "flatten document" was applied. I could understand if they were excluded from the effect of the "flatten without recovery" option but to actively unflatten them seems problematic.
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