Linking forms to punch list items
Tom Harkins
Posts: 1
We do a lot of field surveying of existing conditions and, of course, punch listing of projects being built. At a previous job we used PlanGrid. At my current company we use Bluebeam and I'm in the process of evaluating the use of Bluebeam in the field.
Two capabilities that PlanGrid has that are missing from Bluebeam:
- When adding photos to a PDF, I need to be able to add multiple photos at one time and not have to place each photo individually. If I am in a room documenting existing conditions I need to be able to take all the photos and have them grouped together in on icon.
- I need to be able top attach forms to a punch list item. We have standard forms that we fill out based on the punch list item. Paint, flooring, electrical fixtures, etc. I need to be able to add a punch list item and, in the properties, link both photos and forms (or other files) to that punch list item.
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