Extract page series to files using chapter bookmarks
Please expand the Extract Pages function to include an option to create a series of pdf files that are named and delineated based on a selected bookmark level. The idea here is to have a simple way to quickly take a large report that has bookmarks for each section, then break it up into a series of pdf files (one file per section) using the bookmarks as the dividing point. Having an option for a suffix/prefix to add to the bookmark name would be good.
This is similar to the request to print from bookmarks. Printing or extracting from bookmarks would be handy but risky. If bookmarks were managed poorly, someone could print/export the wrong page range. Maybe if the bookmarks included the page number, we could see that Chapter Three is "Page 45" and Chapter Four is "Page 61," so we could then select page range 45-60. And if it was a larger document… 237-315.
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Unfortunately, bookmarks don't have to be sequential or point to a whole page, so there's that risk too.
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Many architects only label the bookmarks and do not do page labels. PLEASE create a function to extract using Bookmark Labels or create an option to export the bookmark labels in an excel spreadsheet!! PLEASE
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