Print from bookmarks

Would like to be able to print sections of a document based on the bookmarks. Basically print

from one level to the next level in the same hierarchy.

5 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • I like the idea and can see how it would be helpful, but I don't think it can work. Since bookmarks are to specific pages or even parts of pages, printing them would only print the portions the bookmark references. So instead of getting pages 1-20, you'd get pages 1, 5, 12, 15, and 19.

    Unfortunately, printing from thumbnails can get tricky when page labels are less descriptive. In your example, you'd need to label them [Section Name] - [Page Number].
    So it would be SCHEDULE OF WORK -1, SCHEDULE OF WORK -2, etc followed by WORK BY OTHERS - 1, 2, 3…

    What would work is if we had a hybrid view where we had a way to organize a labels-only view that could be organized in collapsable tree form like bookmarks. Otherwise, you'd have to make a bookmark for each page and nest them Division > Section > Section Page.

    So, I'm upvoting this because making it easier to select pages to print would be a big help, especially with something like specs. I'm just not sure what would be the best path forward for the Bluebeam team.