"Add a bookmark" not available
I have a pdf and the "Add a bookmark" not available. The button is greyed out and will not let me create a bookmark. This is a pdf of an engineers set of plans and possibly had a digital Florida Engineer seal on them.
I work with these types of pdf's all the time and this is the first time that I am not able to bookmark a page.
Best Answer
Another trick I've used is to save the PDF to Google Drive, and then resave it as a new PDF. Google Drive is basically rewriting the PDF when it converts it to its format so it's like step number 4 above.
I'm assuming it's not a Studio Session. Could it be locked? Some people have trust issues😉
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There are various states that will grey out some of your tools. Security is one as @Luke Shiras has pointed out. A signed document will also do this and if the PDF is archival (PDF/A). There is a fourth state that is unknown to me still as I only see it once or twice a year, the file is greyed out for no apparent reason and only a rebiuld will fix it. You can access two of the four scenarios:
- Turn off restrict changes
2. Remove Open PDF/A as locked
3. There is no appropriate solution to a password protected file. PDFs have a user/owner password combination. A user level password can typically be broken. An owner level password can not (in a reasonable time frame).
4. Unknown condition. Rebuild if source documents are available (best). Try to creats a new PDF from that file (sometimes works). and Finally print to PDF to generate an image duplicate, then OCR it if need be (worst option).
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Thank you for your comments. I work in Revu version 20. The file must be locked (see attached below).
I do not run across this very much. I work in the plumbing multi-family field and I usually download the arch, civil, structural, and plumbing pdf's from BIM360 and then add bookmarks for quick access for viewing and printing.
I appreciate your feedback.
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