How to do a Simple Background

Eric Potter
Eric Potter Posts: 6
edited February 12 in Peer Support

I have implemented BB to all sales staff in addition to project management and engineering. My sales staff is having a simple issue that Acrobat use to handle with a few clicks. We use a PDF letterhead to give a background to our sales proposals. I have tried to use overlay but it requires that we have a unique file for each page to have the overlay. Is there a better way to do a letterhead background in BB from a single file?

Best Answer

  • Rebecca Yu
    Rebecca Yu Posts: 23
    Answer ✓

    Have you tried creating a template? You create your letterhead as a PDF and then load it as a template so it's available to be used. When needed create a new pdf from that template using File > New PDF from Template > select it from the list.

    Or you could certainly use the Header/Footer tool. Works the exact same way that it does in Word.