Overlays in color?

I use overlays quite often and with the latest Revu 21.1 all the overlays are in greyscale even when selecting no fill/color. If I add a color like red or blue, it'll keep it in the overlay. The previous Revu version would overlay and maintain the color image in the file. Is there a fix for this or I have missed a toggle button?
I wonder if the grey is to emphasize the color changes when comparing 2 or more documents?
I was able to maintain the image color beneath using these settings.
Instead of clicking the pen icon, I clicked the Edit Defaults button in the lower left corner.
Took off Layer 1 color (the map).
Changed the Default Blend to Color. This is set to Darken (and maybe thus the grey) as default.
I was able to keep the maps coloring and change the color of the layers on top. In addition to the Preview window, everything showed correctly in the new tab.
Would love to hear if anyone else has any ideas!
2 -
I was looking for an answer like this, nice work Ryan
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