DWG Support File Integration
It would be pretty dope if we could import a block library of symbols we use in CAD as stamps or markup tools in Revu rather than having to recreate each one or use snapshot. Also, if we could integrate linetypes instead of creating them from scratch, that would be amazing. 🙏
Sincerely, a CAD Manager who deploys and trains staff on Revu and needs to make sure it aligns with company CAD Standards.
Bluebeam Certified Professional (BCP)
Great suggestion @George Othitis
RJ Palis, PE
Digital Technology-BIM/VDC Senior Manager
Building & Construction Technologies
(m)213.364.7665 | (e) rj.palis@aecom.com
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Thanks! This was one of the first things my engineers requested - could I add utility symbols for them to use as markup tools - Fire hydrants, bends, etc, then my surveyors and landscape architects jumped in. It became a thing real fast lol.
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