Twitter (X) Link is broken
I get this error when trying to link my twitter: {"errors":[{"code":215,"message":"Bad Authentication data."}]}
Bluebeam Certified Professional (BCP)
Thanks for letting us know, @George Othitis!
As we work towards improving the Bluebeam Community, we'll be adding more features and removing barriers. For now, we've toggled off Facebook and Twitter connections until we can ensure a smooth experience. We'll make sure to revisit these social media connections in the future.
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Ahh, ok I gotcha. Is there a way to turn off that feature in the profile settings until you are ready to launch it? I can see a lot of new users reporting issues related to this when there isn't actually an issue—it is just disabled.
Bluebeam Certified Professional (BCP)
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Yup! The Connections link and setup should be removed and disabled within Profiles.
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