The easiest and quickest way to add a Profile to Bluebeam Revu
Did you know that double-clicking a Bluebeam Revu Profile (.bpx file) automatically opens Revu and imports the profile for you?
This is the quickest and easiest way to have a User import a Profile. It is a very low impact for our non-technical friends and co-workers. 😅
It is much better than explaining how to click the upper left Revu button, hover over Profiles, click Manage Profiles, click Import, and then browse to the file location.
This is also a great way to push out company standards, or if you are working with a consultant who wants you to follow their QC standards.
Fun fact: If you are unfamiliar with Profiles, I HIGHLY recommend them. You can create custom Tool Sets (.btx files) along with Custom Symbols and Stamps to distribute to everyone in your company. This helps ensure everyone uses the same tools and procedures and can streamline training in your company.
My background is in CAD Management, in case you couldn't tell 😂
Bluebeam Certified Professional (BCP)
I love me some profiles😁. Great tip @George Othitis . I like the custom toolsets tip to complete a 1-2 punch🤛combo 🙌
RJ Palis, PE
Digital Technology-BIM/VDC Senior Manager
Building & Construction Technologies
(m)213.364.7665 | (e)
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